First battle after year break, ... lost.
Unfortunately It wasn't even a great fun. Battle was too big, and it took too long. And it made me tired.
But From the beginning:
We met in high noon, there was three of us, previously we decided that there will be three armies: Space Marines, Necrons and Orks. But there suppose to be two armies of Space Marines, unfortunately second colleague with Space Marines wasn't able to come. And there was no Space marines for 3000 points (each of us suppose to prepare army for 1500 points), but there was Tyranids, and this was my first lost, I agreed.
So there I stand along with Necrons against the wave of Tyranids
We were starting. First move : Tank-shocking spore mines with Battlewagon, moving Orks and Necrons forward, first shooting, few Tyranids down.
In Their first round two Tervigons breed over 25 of Termagants, and they moved forward, and four Hive guards killed 3 out of 5 of my moto-boyz, too bad.
Out second turn, Necrons move forward, on our left flank my Motonobz move forward and shoot to genestealers, with no effect, Shoota boyz and Neckons shoot at termagants and kill all of them but one.
In their second turn Tyranids move forward and shoot, killing another Moto-Ork, leaving my Nob alone.
In our third turn my Battlewagon Tankshocked Termagants, and Tervigon inflicting him 3 wounds, and I charge with 20 of my blue sluga boyz Tervigon and 20 Hormagants, I also Charge Trygon with my Deff kopta and motonob and that was the mistake, they both died inflicting no wounds to Trygon. Blue Boyz are doing better they win close combat, killing all but two Hormagants, but there is not much of them left.
During their turn Tyranids attack, Tervigon, that was fighting my blue Orks, breeds more Termagants, and killed all of my Orks. On our left wing Genestealers attack my Motonobz squad with Warboss, inflicting many wounds. Trygon and Hive Tyrant destroy my Battlewagon, and Tyranofex destroyed big shoota in another one.
During our turn there was a lot of shooting, Motonobz killed all the Genestealers that left, with a little help of Necron Scarab Swarms. In this moment my big mistake was that I stood in place, now I think, I should charge . This was our fourth turn.
Tyranids wasn't waiting, they destroyed 30 of my Shoota Boyz with Reavers, Trygon, Hive Tyrant and Genestealers and they immobilized my Battlewagon, They charged Necrons with Hormagants, Termagants, Tervigon and Gargoyles and ... lost combat, losing all Gargoyles, all Hormagants and most of Termagants. Tervigon didn't pass his leadership test and escaped.
During fifth turn I got out of my red Battlewagon, charged second Tervigon with my red Orkz and it killed it. Also my Motonobz attacked Termagants and killed them all. Scarabs attacked Tyranofex and stuck it in combat.
Durign their turn Trygon, Hive Tyrant destroyed my red battlewagon, Reavers and Hive Guards killed my Red Orks squad, and Genestealers stayed in place to take objective.
Unfortunately it wasn't over yet.
Necron shooting to Hive Tyrant and Trygon took no effect they where destroyed by them.
Tyranofex, finally killed scarab swarms and attacked Necron warriors on out left flank contesting our only objective, Hive guards shoot down my Warboos and painboy destroying my last models on board, For me this was The End.
Of course we lost. During this game I realized that Orks can shoot, but when they are able they should charge and kill in close combat, only this way they can do something. And another thing I forgot, when you attack, you should attack with everything, but I wanted to have some reserves and that was the mistake.
Another cause of our lost was that I had an army list prepared for Space Marines and there were Tyranids.
And last but not least Necrons sucks ;) (at least until their new codex arrives)