wtorek, 15 listopada 2011

November Ork

It's been a while since my last blog entry and I haven't painted much, actually i made a little brake from painting orks and decided to paint something completely different.
Beyond you can see miniature made for Steampunk Role Playing Game - Wolsung, this is my little brake from painting Orks

I haven't completely forgot about my orks army, beyond you can see first member of my new Kommandos Team.
 I've decided to paint their uniforms using grey urban camouflage. Well it is the beginning of totally new unit in my orks army. There is going to be two another totally new unita in my army ( some lootas and burnas ) but I haven't painted non of them yes so there is nothing to show.
P.S. You may see I'm having little problems with old photos, I hope I will be able to solve this problem this week.

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